All orders are sent by carefully selected carriers, and require a signature upon delivery. N.B. All Bags and Handbags are delivered in independent carton boxes. Leather Bags are wrapped in protective paper and housed in independent transparent Polybags,   Leather Bags come equipped with the Knots London cotton drawstring dust bag.

We are not able to deliver to PO Box addresses.

In some countries we are unable to deliver to private addresses, please get in touch with us to find out about your location,


Due to commercial reasons, Knots London® chooses to locate its central warehousing in Hong Kong, meaning all purchases will be dispatched from Hong Kong.


For returns information please visit our Returns Policy page or for further assistance, contact Customer Services at



On dispatch of your order you will be sent a shipping confirmation email with carrier information and tracking number.



Customs and duties charges are not included and remain the responsibility of the recipient.


DESIGNATED COUNTRIES refer to the following countries, if your country does not appear it may not be covered by our Free Shipping terms, please get in touch with us at


Merchandise in a new and saleable condition may be returned for exchange within 14 days of purchase if on receipt of the merchandise a defect is found which is proven not the fault of the buyer. Items must be accompanied by the original documentation. This does not affect your statutory rights.

For exchanges for Retail sales, please refer to the details on your store receipt.

Please ensure that all returns sent to our Customer Service dept are handled by an insured carrier. Knots London® cannot be held liable for any returned items that fail to arrive. Knots London® will not be liable for any customs or duties charges incurred when returning goods.

Any goods that are returned outside of the return period, damaged or worn or sent without the original documentation will not be accepted and will be returned to the customer at customer’s own cost.